Wednesday, September 16, 2009

OK. So the daily sketchbook thing didn't work out.
Need to revamp the blog.

Just returned from American Artist's Weekend With the Masters in Colorado Springs. It was incredible!!!! Will be posting pics & info soon.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Feet and Cat tales

Here's two drawings from this weekend. My feet were very well behaved and didn't move at all the whole time I was sketching. The cat was another story. As soon as I got ready to draw, the cat's head was spinning like a top and she changed position over and over. One the upside, it was a good challenge to get a few quick strokes with out a lot of fuss, before she moved again.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Here's Wednesday's drawing- a portrait from life of my son Nate. Probably could have taken it a little further, but he was getting really tired, slumping into the chair and telling me his neck hurt, so I wrapped it up. Next up- sketching his two sisters. After that I will move on to longer poses to get used to drawing their features, finally leading to finished portraits in oil.

I'm off to watch the Beijing Olympics. Go Michael Phelps!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Here is today's sketch- nothing too exciting, but I'm drawing. Pretty pleased with it overall. Today's lesson: measure twice draw once! After checking the measurements of the right shoe and fixing them, it looks right. Go figure.

Now on to Tuesday!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Orchid and the Harley Oath

Well, its Sunday and I haven't posted or drawn anything Weds, Thurs, Fri or Sat. I actually did two drawings today, but the first one's too ugly to share. I am recommitting myself with the help of the Harley Oath, shamelessly copied from Harley Brown's Eternal Truths for Every Artist.
"I, (state your name) do hereby declare that, from this day forward, I will do a drawing, from life, for half a hour everyday, for the rest of my life. So help me Harley".
Harley Brown is a incredibly talented artist and has three wonderful books- the aforementioned, Confessions of a Starving Artist, and Harley Brown's Inspiration for Every Artist. All three books are from International Artist Publishing. He also shares pearls of wisdom every other month in International Artist Magazine.

Here's looking forward to Monday!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cup 'O Joe

Here's my first post. They say that the journey of a thousand miles begins with...a REALLY good cup of coffee. ;-) Well OK, maybe I said it. Thanks to all the staff at the Satellite Beach Starbucks for getting me going in the morning.